Union Board Canvas Creative Arts

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Thank you for your interest in submitting work to the 2022 Canvas Creative Arts Magazine! Please review the following guidelines carefully and complete the form. Submissions that fail to follow these guidelines will not be considered. Please feel free to email us at canvas@indiana.edu with any questions.

*You MUST be an Indiana University student in order to submit your work*

General Information

  • You may submit a maximum total of SIX works — written, visual, or a combination of both. Each piece must be submitted individually. If you submit multiple works, we may accept some but not all for publication. If you submit more than six works, we will only consider the first six.
  • The file name of all submissions should be written as lastname_firstname_title and end in the file type. (example: VanGogh_Vincent_StarryNight.jpg)
  • In addition to your works, please also submit a personal colored headshot and 100-150 word biography written in third person. This bio may include—but is not limited to—your year, major(s) and minors, hometown, and other accomplishments. (example: Herman B Wells is the former president and chancellor of Indiana University. He is from Jamestown, Indiana and graduated from IU with a degree in commerce.) The bio and headshot can be combined as one submission and do not count toward the limit on works submitted.

Visual Guidelines

  • Acceptable visual works include but are not limited to: painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, textiles, etc.
  • Visual file sizes may be no smaller than 300 dpi with dimensions of at least 6 in x 8 in (Higher resolutions and larger dimensions are always encouraged).
  • Visual files must be in .jpg or .png format.

Written Guidelines

  • Acceptable written works include but are not limited to fiction, poetry, personal essay, script, etc.
  • Written works may not exceed 2000 words.
  • Please write the title clearly at the top of each piece.
  • Written files must be in .docx format.

Canvas Author/Artist Contract

This contract entered on (today’s date), by and between the Indiana Memorial Union Board (hereafter referred to as IMUB), and (your name) (hereafter referred to as the Author/Artist) in consideration of the mutual covenants herein made, it is agreed as follows:

1. The Author/Artist consents to the publication of their original poetry, prose, or artwork (described in #6 below) in the issue of CANVAS to which they submitted.

2. The purpose of the Union Board CANVAS publication is to promote and nurture creative expression in all forms through the magazine. IMUB reserves the right to edit accepted works without changing the intent of the Author/Artist.

3. No monetary gain is to be realized by the Union Board, Indiana University, or their members or employees.

4. The Author/Artist retains all rights and privileges to their original work.

5. It is the responsibility of the Author/Artist to register for a copyright of their composition(s) to assure full legal protection under United States Copyright Laws.

6. The following information accurately describes the original work, and the Author/Artist authorizes its inclusions in credits for the publication, press releases and advertising for the publication, and any other public means of distribution with respect to promoting the publication in a gallery setting.

7. All additions and deletions to this contract must be initialed and dated by both parties to be valid. No portion of the Indiana Memorial Union Board contract may be crossed out or modified without the consent of the IMUB, in writing.

8. Union Board reserves the right to feature artists’ work in promotional material to advertise the CANVAS magazine.

I understand that by submitting this form, it constitutes my digital signature and binds me to this agreement.

Union Board Canvas Creative Arts